tsgc - Time Series Methods Based on Growth Curves
The 'tsgc' package provides comprehensive tools for the
analysis and forecasting of epidemic trajectories. It is
designed to model the progression of an epidemic over time
while accounting for the various uncertainties inherent in
real-time data. Underpinned by a dynamic Gompertz model, the
package adopts a state space approach, using the Kalman filter
for flexible and robust estimation of the non-linear growth
pattern commonly observed in epidemic data. The
reinitialization feature enhances the model’s ability to adapt
to the emergence of new waves. The forecasts generated by the
package are of value to public health officials and researchers
who need to understand and predict the course of an epidemic to
inform decision-making. Beyond its application in public
health, the package is also a useful resource for researchers
and practitioners in fields where the trajectories of interest
resemble those of epidemics, such as innovation diffusion. The
package includes functionalities for data preprocessing, model
fitting, and forecast visualization, as well as tools for
evaluating forecast accuracy. The core methodologies
implemented in 'tsgc' are based on well-established statistical
techniques as described in Harvey and Kattuman (2020)
<doi:10.1162/99608f92.828f40de>, Harvey and Kattuman (2021)
<doi:10.1098/rsif.2021.0179>, and Ashby, Harvey, Kattuman, and
Thamotheram (2024)